Sunday, October 31, 2010


Now most of us are too old to still believe in boogers and witches and haints and whatnot, but last Friday morning when I went out to get in my car… there,  duct taped to the roof rack, covered in the still earth of the grave, splattered in gore and grinning hideously through a mouth disfigured by gunfire, sat Waldo. How he tore himself from the confines of the crypt, how he traveled so far on his quest for revenge, hell, how he even tracked us down, in spite of the best efforts of the federal witness relocation program, will probably never be known.

It is enough that he has returned to shadow our lives and there are now countless innocent folks in Santa Fair Oaks Capitola Soquel Aptos Cruz who, ignorant of the events leading up to this day, smile as they cast a glance our way never having an inkling of the horrors once buried and now regenerate…

Lance ......................................... 2
Michelle & Lovely ........................1
ptrent ..........................................1
Visitors from the grave................ 1
everyone else ............................. 0

but who's keeping score...

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Lance ---------------------------------------------------2
Everybody else  ---------------------------------------0

but who's keeping score...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Soquel Creek Estuary"
Chris Bolton
digital photo
One of the joys of being a recent arrival somewhere is that you can stumble across interesting things without knowledge that the locals consider said things to carry the onerous cachet of being "touristy" and, therefore, to be ignored. . .

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Boy howdy, this here big city living tends to fill up yer day purty damn quick.  Yesterday (Saturday) I jumped up around 6 o’clock so I could hose off, get dressed and get down to the bus stop in time to catch the 71 headed for the Santa Cruz Flea market.  Now I don’t know about you, but when I hear the words “flea market” I immediately thing more along the lines of a full set of vintage dishes for a buck and a half and not so much in the realm of $3 for a used ice cube tray or 2 for $5… apparently the only reason I haven’t gotten fleas here is because they can afford a higher rent district than I can.  Since I didn’t need any used tools or baby clothes that was pretty much of a bust and I caught the bus back to the casa where I routed out sleeping beauty on her day off by tempting her with breakfast at CafĂ© Brasil.  She leapt at the chance (both figuratively and literally) and there we were looking for parking where there was none.  Hike a couple of short blocks and we were waiting for a table just like any good place to eat. Short wait, really good breakfast, waddle back to the car, a left turn and we were headed for the Boardwalk area.  Oops, look.  It’s a free muscle car show in front of the boardwalk and, lookie there, a parking space just opened up.  Stroll, gawk, look, listen and wonder how much that paint job cost and how much to chrome everything in the engine compartment… Fun but time to give our space to the hovering parking vultures and wander down to the bottom of Capitola Avenue for a walk along Soquel Creek to show Tama some cool, funky houses that Lance showed me last week.  That was fun, boy I’m kinda thirsty, hey look a coffee shop, damn… look at them pastries, whouldja?

So now we are headed home for a bit of a rest and Tama says, “Turn left instead and I will show you my favorite antique shop.” We head away from the house and roll into Echo Eclec-tibles.  Just the place if you should happen to need, oh, say, a 12 foot, 3-D slice of an orange or a box of wooden shoe stretchers.  Of course, while there, the owner insists that we need to motor up the coast to check out the monstrous dead whale just north of Davenport.  Well, there goes the nap idea and off we go whale watching/smelling (see post below)

Now that adventure puts us back into town just in time to meet up with a new friend of Tama’s so they can go off on an artist’s studio tour.

An hour later and we all meet up again for the first annual Santa Cruz Sausage and Beer Festival.  So those of you who missed me at the Brewfest in la Quince can rest assured that I was toasting you from afar.  You had to pay for the beer but it was in big boy glasses and it was free to get in so I figured out that I saved three bucks overall.  There was a good, serious Rockabilly band and all it needed was people I knew.

No doubt about it. I gotta stop reading the weekly events newspaper if I’m ever gonna get any rest.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Today we went to see the very newest local tourist attraction… everywhere you went people were asking, “have you been to see the whale?” So, this afternoon we threw out our plans for a nap and drove 24 miles up the coast, via Highway 1, to gawk at the moldering carcass of a Blue Whale that has washed up onto the beach just a tick north of Bean Hollow State Beach.

Okay, so Monday it looked a lot more like a whale than it did today (day 6)… that being said, it was a really impressive chunk of meat.  The marine biologists had already visited and determined several things of import… 80 feet long, 75 tons, pregnant female who lost a duel with a large ship before washing ashore.  The “viewing” was a trifle odiferous but, unless I change my name to Geppetto, this is probably as close as I’m ever going to get to a mammal this size.

Without getting too organic I can tell you that there was also a 17 foot long fetus available for viewing on the rocks close by.  Sad, but well worth the drive and a chance to say, “I seen it.” The general consensus is that it would be too hard to pull it free and they will most likely leave it there to dissolve back into the salt, salt sea (the ocean, the ultimate solution…). I doubt I will go back for a progress report since the skull will prove to be too big for our Subaru roof rack.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


And the unpacking continues unabated...

Monday, October 4, 2010


Since the ever lovely Tama was already down slaving for wages in Santa Cruz, it fell unto me to box up everything we owned in readiness for the movers.

At first things go smoothly… you’ve got two months so let’s start with making sure to pack at least one box every day.  That lasted about a week.  Okay, two boxes every day… no, wait… better make that a minimum of four boxes every day.  The last box is still on the far horizon.

Eventually you begin muttering that some bastard is sneaking into your house late at night and leaving more things for you to pack.  You rail against the Gods and cry aloud, “Who owns all this shit?”  You begin counting coup… “geez, 19 boxes of books”… “there, the bedroom is completely packed”, etc. In the final stages you begin to worry that it won’t all fit in the gigantic truck soon to back down your driveway.

As you near the end, knowing that two other shlubs are going to have to do the actual loading and unloading, you begin to wax philosophical and marvel at the sobering concept that in the last 60 days you have touched everything you own.  Each and every thing.  You assess, after the fact, and rest assured in the knowledge that you edited out the detritus and packed only that which you need to live in the manner to which you have become accustomed.

You throw a bunch of things in the car, wave goodbye to the moving van, leave a check for the cleaning lady and head down the pike and into the bowels of the beast where, nearly effortlessly, you sit in a folding chair and conduct the unloading process… “uhmmm, that one goes in the garage… that one goes upstairs… all those go in the downstairs closet…” It goes quickly and all seems to be well and good.

Ah, well then, yes.  Comes the day of reckoning and the grand unpacking begins.  Almost immediately you realize that two practiced movers can unload your shit faster than you can track it and boxes, even labeled, can find a home most any place.  Shifting, shoving, sorting and swearing you develop a vague uneasiness that perhaps you should have made maybe one more run to Quincy Thrift in the pickup.  The 19 boxes of books, though heavier than a dead preacher, begin to fade into inconsequence as you unpack all 27 boxes with the word ‘kitchen” scrawled across the top in black marker… (okay, in truth that includes two full boxes of booze and several filled with cocktail glasses…)

The mover’s words come back to haunt you, “6000 pounds…” Yes, that’s three, count ‘em, three tons of things and you are charged with finding room for all of it.  You want nothing more than to abandon the project, fling yourselves onto the bed and watch your Netflix offerings.  Everything is hooked up but, unfortunately, technology dictates that in order to get from play feature to actually playing feature… you need the goddamn remote. 

Back to the stacks and a relentless search begins.  You begin tearing open boxes just for a peek inside and finally, after a process of elimination; you can close your eyes and visualize exactly the contents of that elusive box.  It is nowhere to be found.  You review nearly every box again, even opening the boxes marked ‘books’ to assure yourself that is true.  Finally, in desperation, you rumble thru the garage one last time and, lo and behold… there, buried under several plastic tubs of drills and sanders and such, hidden from cursory view, sits one lone box that should have gone into the house. Well, sonofabitch…

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Apparently you are never to old to consider yourself a surf bum. You will see an aging geezer on the sidewalk and, though they may be bent and wrinkled, wizened, supported by a cane or walker, by God, they still sport a full, razor cut, blow dried, blonde-dyed casual dude hairdo.

This guy may well have a double mortgage as well as a double by-pass, but when he paddles out to meet that final wave, old St. Pete will not mistake him for a "townie".  

I have also made an observation about many the women over 50 here in Santa Cruz.  They generally fall into one of two categories with only a handful of exceptions.  First there is the aging surfer girl.  Starting at about 15, this gal started hanging on the beach with the board crowd and, for the next 35 years, spent every waking hour catching a wave and buffing her tan.  As a result, she now still has the body (more or less, depending on the skill of her surgeon...) but her skin-tone is dark mahogany and it has the texture and surface of that old boot you found when you were hiking thru that old ghost town last summer.  On the other end of the spectrum is the aging flowerchild who, apparently, shunned direct sunshine like a novice vampire.  Bedecked with broad-brimmed, flower strewn  straw hat, eye protection and turtleneck, she trails a swirling collection of multi-colored scarves, jackets and voluminous skirts.  Her skin has the color and texture of a fresh marshmallow as she glides, ghost-like, thru the Farmers' Market and Save-Mart.

"tuther day I went to a delightful little breakfast spot called Cafe Brasil after a hot tip from the always lovely Eva Rocke & Elizabeth Powell.  This is a great place, with walls in every color and menu fresh from far south of the border.  After perusing the menu, the copious liquifaction of my tastebuds was rapidly filling my drool cup as I awaited the arrival of my eggs, gallo pinto and fried plantains & tortillas... Oh, the anticipation. 

Then, I swear to God, I hear some woman sitting behind me say to the waitress, "I will have scrambled eggs, sausage and dry wheat toast." I held myself in check, however, and she still lives and I am not in need of a Get Out Of Jail Free Card...  
Who lets these people out of the house?

So, I may have mentioned to several of you that I
shuddered to discover that I had to pack 19 boxes 
of books when leaving la Quince.  Well, believe it or
don't, that pales when I begin unpacking at the
other end only to discover that I am facing 25 boxes
labeled "kitchen". No clue as to contents yet... but
geez, no wonder I'm overweight.