Friday, August 26, 2011


So, as I traveled around the greater Santa Cruz area in order to achieve some manner of orientation to my new environs, I could not but notice that, for a town with a natural foods coop on every corner not already occupied by a Starbutts, there was also a preponderance of good old fashion donut shops. 

As I am a long time fan of what Anthony Bourdain  happily refers to as the Fry-o-lator arts it seemed only a natural (oh, look. There’s that word natural again…) course of events that I should enlist my wife into a series of early morning soirees to establish a pecking order for the aforementioned donut vendors.  

To that end we are sampling all of the donut shops we can find, and will report back to the waiting masses when we have all the info that is to be had.

"Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." 

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