Saturday, August 13, 2011


Yeah, I know… if YOU had a blog you would write for it all the time… No, wait… I like to think that I am teaching you something with this blog and, being a teacher, I took the summer off. There. My conscience is clear…
Well, since last we gathered around the ol’ cyber campfire, many things have transpired. Unfortunately most of them were without great merit and require no comment here. Of note was a road trip with the missus back for a visit to Quincy.

Tama had a burning urge and a financial obligation to attend the annual, Patchouli soaked, High Sierra Music Festival over the 4th of July weekend.  Since I am buffing up my skills as a curmudgeon and saw scarcely a venue name I recognized, I elected to remain outside the gates and spent my mornings soaking away in Michelle’s hot tub to the dulcet tones of cackling hens and the boastings of the pip-squeak banty rooster.  I did tow her away from the hub-bub on Saturday night for a dinner date at Le Coq which was, as you would expect, casual, homey and superb… one of those delights that I miss the most.
Monday morning was a run to Reno to put Mrs. B on a plane for home so she could get back to tormenting her underlings at work while I stayed on for a busman’s holiday to do some work for the Museum and for Michelle.
I stopped by  Plumas Arts to say howdy and to drop off a few examples of my recent labors as a potter… a little something to clutter up the shelving in their gift shop. I got to see pretty much everybody I wanted to this time around so, all in all, more fulfilling visit than the previous, shorter one.

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