Today we went to see the very newest local tourist attraction… everywhere you went people were asking, “have you been to see the whale?” So, this afternoon we threw out our plans for a nap and drove 24 miles up the coast, via Highway 1, to gawk at the moldering carcass of a Blue Whale that has washed up onto the beach just a tick north of Bean Hollow State Beach .
Okay, so Monday it looked a lot more like a whale than it did today (day 6)… that being said, it was a really impressive chunk of meat. The marine biologists had already visited and determined several things of import… 80 feet long, 75 tons, pregnant female who lost a duel with a large ship before washing ashore. The “viewing” was a trifle odiferous but, unless I change my name to Geppetto, this is probably as close as I’m ever going to get to a mammal this size.
Without getting too organic I can tell you that there was also a 17 foot long fetus available for viewing on the rocks close by. Sad, but well worth the drive and a chance to say, “I seen it.” The general consensus is that it would be too hard to pull it free and they will most likely leave it there to dissolve back into the salt, salt sea (the ocean, the ultimate solution…). I doubt I will go back for a progress report since the skull will prove to be too big for our Subaru roof rack.
Smelly, yes! On a 0 to 10 gag-factor scale, definitely a 9!