Now most of us are too old to still believe in boogers and witches and haints and whatnot, but last Friday morning when I went out to get in my car… there, duct taped to the roof rack, covered in the still earth of the grave, splattered in gore and grinning hideously through a mouth disfigured by gunfire, sat Waldo. How he tore himself from the confines of the crypt, how he traveled so far on his quest for revenge, hell, how he even tracked us down, in spite of the best efforts of the federal witness relocation program, will probably never be known.
It is enough that he has returned to shadow our lives and there are now countless innocent folks in Santa Fair Oaks Capitola Soquel Aptos Cruz who, ignorant of the events leading up to this day, smile as they cast a glance our way never having an inkling of the horrors once buried and now regenerate…
Lance ......................................... 2
Michelle & Lovely ........................1
ptrent ..........................................1
ptrent ..........................................1
Visitors from the grave................ 1
everyone else ............................. 0
but who's keeping score...
but who's keeping score...
You have to be kidding! That cracked me up!